Friday, January 7, 2011

What's Mine is HERS

I have set up a working space in the spare bedroom on the bed so that I'm not too exhausted at the end of the day.  I don't want to get under the sheets so I had a spare blanket put at the end of the bed so that I could pull it over my legs when I felt too cool.  (My thermostat is all over the place so I dress in layers and keep blankets nearby...)

Anyway...Shadow (yeah, another cat story) decides she likes this blanket (even though I have some nice soft rugs set down there for her to lay on.  (See those tan rugs to the left of her...she totally avoids them.)  So, she leaves the blanket folded up for a little while and lays on it.  Then, yesterday, she decided that she needed to 'nest' it to fit her body.  Below are the results.  (Sigh)

It took her a lot of work to get it exactly the way she wanted it.  So, now, I guess MY blanket is HER blanket.  Because I'm such a softee, I got myself another blanket yesterday to lay under.  (Must have happy cat....)


  1. I want to be your cat. It's not that I'm not pampered by Daryl...I am. But I still want to be your cat. She toils not, neither does she spin, but she gets everything she wants!

  2. Hey...some days I want to be my cat too...she worked really hard on that blanket hard to not have opposible thumbs.

  3. I'm going to try to post a comment every time I'm up here on the computer, just to see if it works. Don't know why it's worked a couple of times, but not other times. I love Shadow and she looks SO very comfy on her/your blanket!

  4. Ok, so it worked this time! Love and Prayers, Sharyn

  5. Hey, Babe, I just had to chuckle when I read the post and the comments! Shadow knows she is the "Princess" doesn't she? Ha. I am looking forward to finding a "Princess cat" of my own soon. I'm getting the house ready before I bring a kitten in here. Love youn's forever. Mom


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