Monday, September 20, 2010

The Stable Part of My Life

Anyone who really knows me, KNOWS that I hate change.  When change hits, such as a change in job (3 years ago we moved from Florida to Alabama because of a better job offer), or something as simple as having to work longer hours to get through some deadline; then I pretty much go into stress mode.  I hate change...have always hated change.  I don't even like the change that traveling on vacations brings.  I always enjoy the trip the most when it is over. (This may all stem back to the controller, fixer issues I have...not really sure.)  All I know is that all things unknown make me uncomfortable.  I'll probably get to the pearly gates and not be happy because I don't really know what is inside.  (I'm sure they wrote "Who Moved My Cheese" with me totally in mind.)

One reason I love my husband so much is because he is a constant.  I know what he is going to do all the time. 

I know that in the morning he is going to run quickly to Starbuck's and get me my favorite coffee drink before he heads to work.  (This is only because I am working from home and he wants me to get all the sleep I can before I start my day.  Is that a generous loving spirit or what?)

I know that he is going to send me an 'I love you' email to my work email address to let me know he got to work OK and that he is thinking about me.  (He also expects a response from me and when I used to drive in to work, it worried him if he didn't get a reply first thing in the morning.  I would find text messages on my phone asking me if I was OK.)

I know that he will be home at almost exactly 4:28 every afternoon because he leaves at 4:00 on the dot and drives the same way home every day.   (This might vary by a few minutes depending on the traffic but I could almost set my clock by him.) 

I know that when we are done watching TV at night that he will Queue (sp?) up the DVD player to the next episode in whatever series we are watching and turn off the fireplace (yes...I love a fireplace even in the summer especially when my red count is down and I am so cold.), then he will turn off the fan and his light, head to the bathroom and then get under the covers with them pulled  up to his chin and wait for the spring in my posterior to quit ejecting me out of bed for whatever last things I keep forgetting to do.  (There are many ejections from the bed before I finally settle down.  I'd like to blame that on chemo brain but I've always been this way....sigh.)

So, he is the stable part of my life.  I am thankful for his stability and consistency (even though I tease him about it constantly.)


  1. Dear Teresa,
    What a lovely post...I thank God for Tom in your life (and in mine)and that he is a constant for you, just as Dub was one in mine. I thank God for you, too. I love you. Mom

  2. P.Script. Isn't it wonderful that the three of us (Carol, You, and I) were so blessed to find men who love(d) us so constantly?

  3. :-) Daryl can identify with the spring thing...I drive him bananas! "Are you done bouncing around yet?" he'll ask! Too funny!!!

    I am ever grateful for Tom's love for you, and his constancy. We are all blessed, as Mom said!

    New series for you....Covert Affairs.

  4. Yeah, dear, I'm afraid the remembering things and bouncing out of bed is genetic...I quite often do that, because you can't shut the mind down at once and it remembers things to be done when the body hits the sheets, and before one can sleep, the mind must be satisfied that things needing to be done, MUST be done AT ONCE. Ha.


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