Friday, December 24, 2010

Allergies and God's Greatest Gift

It is amazing how many ways that my body can be allergic to different things.  I am allergic to all three of the chemos that I have been given.  Then the last treatment they figured out that I am allergic to the allergy medicine that they gave to me combat the allergy to the chemo.  (Yeah, I was choking...[throat and bronchials closing up like with asthma] - which was my allergic reaction that I have had to the benedryl - and laughing at the same time trying to get out the words, "I'm ALLERGIC to the ALLERGY MEDICATION?"  They were cracking up right along with me...although with very worried faces, if you can imagine that.) 

Since I had read in the book that it is possible to be allergic to aloe and that we should do a test prior to using the plant for real, we went to Publix, where we had seen them selling small leaves of aloe in the vegetable section last week.  I tested some on a bite I had and guess what...yeah...I'm allergic to aloe.  I ended up with a red rash right where the aloe had been applied.  No stinging or itching but definitely a rash.  When the time comes to use it on my breast, I will have to weigh the pros and cons of using it.

Of course, I am also allergic to dust, various pollens, dogs, cats (yes, cats too but can't give up my cat...pros won out over cons on that one), tomatoes, and according to a doctor who treated me for allergies when I lived in Texas, I am allergic to Texas.  Yeah, Carol, now you know why I never took a job

Here is a uTube Christmas message from Max Lucado:


Very fitting for my life and I hope you see the correlation to yours as well.  Amen and Amen.

Happy Christmas Eve everyone!  May you center your life around God's Gift to each and every one of us during this season.  8-)

By Grace Alone - 


  1. Hey, Babe...I am reminded of the HeeHaw song,
    "Gloom, despair, and Misery, OH me" and I know that luck has nothing to do with it. If one believed in luck, where would that put God?
    I'm sorry you have all the allergies, but as long as we stay "God-centered" we know HE is in control, and that does help us through. I love you all, baby. Praying for you both, and missing my Dubby. Love, Mom.

  2. Max is a wonderful, godly man. Glad he's ministering to you during this season of life!

    Merry Christmas this morning! Wish we could all be together....looking forward to later, when we are!

    Love to you and Tom and your kids and their kids!

    ps...what a deal with the benadryl! I bet the allergic levels will go down after the chemo is over. It buggers up everything!

    Love you!


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