Sunday, July 10, 2011

Projects Galore

Okay...I might have gone a little overboard in Lowe's Friday.  Oops.

We have a few more days of vacation left and following my grandmother's teachings about idle hands being the devil's workshop and all, I picked out a 'few' projects.  I've wanted a new sink since we moved in (the house was new when we bought it and just had a stainless steel sink in it...builder's know...I've always hated those because they scratch up so badly) so we found a really nice granite composite mocha one to go with our countertops. 

After picking that out, we went over to the faucets to find one that would go with the new sink.  The one we picked out has a soap dispenser, sprayer and faucet.  Perfect.  Then we picked out a new water filter that is supposed to remove bacteria from the water as well as all the other stuff.  It was the only one that would remove bateria and Whirlpool is a good name so we picked that one. 

Here is a picture of the sink installed.  We haven't tested the running of the water yet because he still has to install the water filter.

Finally, I had this idea in my head for a solution to my 'too many necklaces and not enough room to hang them' problem.  (No...I don't want to throw some of them away...I am a very diverse person who needs lots of change when it comes to decorating this  The idea was to have a couple of nicely sanded and stained pieces of wood placed horizontally on a wall about 10 inces apart.  Then a lot of little gold nails could be placed on both pieces of wood and necklaces hung separately on each nail. 

When we got into the wood section we weren't actually in the wood section but we were in the baseboard, quarter round section and ran across some really neat boards with leaves burned into them.  It had places in it that nails could be put (little dots evenly spaced across the wood) and those will be the locations of each nail for each necklace.  I'm not quite done with the staining and painting yet but I did get a picture of the not quite finished boards.  I still need to paint the stems and vine and I am going to make them yellow (I think...still not sure about that one).  I stained the wood this morning and waited for it to dry while we worked on the new sink.    Below is a picture of the boards in their half finished state.

That is all the projects that I remember picking out.  I am sure that Tom feels like it was  We should be able to finish these in the next few days and then before we know it, it will be time to return to the grind of work.  It is fun to putter around here a bit before we have to go back to work.

Here is some Max to fill your day with:

"Only Life

By Max Lucado

“Be faithful, even if you have to die, and I will give you the crown of life.” Revelation 2:10

Can you imagine a life with no death, only life? If you can, you can imagine heaven. For citizens of heaven wear the crown of life . . .

We are not made of steel, we are made of dust. And this life is not crowned with life, it is crowned with death.

The next life, however, is different."

By Grace Alone -



  1. Fun, fun, fun, fun!!!!
    Love the necklace rack, and ADORE the counters and sink!

  2. Hey, Babe, The sink looks really great and I really like the way you did the boards. You are going to be so happy with that. I'll bet Shadow will love the hanging necklaces.. What do you think? You reckon she will? ha.
    Loven' youn's forever. Mom

  3. Hey Teresa! Nice sink! Can't wait to see the finished boards for your necklaces. I'll bet Shadow will love the hanging necklaces too. :-)

    Love ya'all, Sharyn


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