Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sweet Card and Return to Work

I got the sweetest card from the people at work today.  (Actually, it probably came yesterday but we didn't check the mail until today.)

One of the ladies I work with mailed it to me but put a note in it that says "I wanted you to know that Clifford walked this card around to everyone.  He really misses you and your laugh and he asked me to send it to you."  Is that sweet or what?  The worst part of this story is that I don't remember who Clifford is.  Lordy lordy as my Aunt Mae would say.  He must sit in one of the offices on my hallway but as I've said before...I'm really kind of shy and don't get around to talk to others that much.  He isn't one of the ones that flocked in to see me on a regular basis either (there are a bunch of them that used to fly in and out of my office chatting...I never had to move an inch to talk to people...funny how that works).  A lot of people from the office that I don't even know signed it.  I really need to get around and talk to everyone when I get back and try to put names and faces to this card.  (Good thing their names are on their offices...8-)

Tom was in DESPERATE need of a haircut and we got that done today.  I cut about an inch and a half off...that should give you some indication of how neglected he has been.  Well, times are changing...we're not gonna go that long again.  8-)  I am truly gaining more energy every day and I am thinking about returning to work this next Friday when Nadir is complete and my white count has returned to normal.  I know all my blood work won't be back where it belongs but, if I have the energy, I'm ready to get back in the mix and get on with my life.  There is so much going on at work that I need to take care of and it is hard to do it all from here.

I did BJ's taxes today and he owes this year.  I finished ours the other day and we owe too.   Thanks, O'bama...

Not much else going on here.  Hope everyone is having a great day!

By Grace Alone -


  1. Awesome news and update! I love hearing the energy boosts taking place! thank God for chemo, and thank God you're done!

    (I'll probably owe a bundle...lost my last little tax deduction this year!)

  2. Hey, Babe, Just wait till you get my taxes....I know I will owe big this year as well. Hopefully, I'll have the dough to pay for it. The big problem is getting all my stuff together. :) I am already putting papers into the file folder called taxes. :)
    So happy for you, and still praying that things will go well with you. Loven' you'sns forever. MOm.

  3. hi cuz, glad to know you are feeling better,love ya lots, Mike


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