Monday, November 15, 2010

Eating Out and Jury Duty

Yesterday's post generated some good comments for 'safely' eating out...thanks for those, Carol!  I would never have thought of all that.  (Must have something to do with your job that you know all that  Other than Thai on Friday nights (and an occasional pizza) we don't get any food from anyone else.  I've been way to scared of whoever is fixing them having a cold (or something worse) and spreading the germs to my food.  Then, as you brought up, the plates and utensils could be problematic.  I've been in restaurants so many times and seen dried food on the utensils that I don't even trust their dish washing capabilities.  Even before chemo treatments, I wouldn't eat with those conditions. (Yeah...even pre-cancer, I was a bit OCD.  Whatever...)  I'll have to print out that comment to remember it all.  8-)  Can't you just see me putting it into list format and checking each one off....

Use Clorox wipes.

No real dishes.

No salads.

Grilled meats OK

Baked potatoes OK.

Hot vegetables OK.

No mexican food (Especially refried beans and rice)

NO sushi.

If you must eat asian foods, only hot asian food.

Avoid rice unless they use vinegar in it, or unless it's fresh and hot. (Yeah, this one is too many questions for the waiter...I'll just avoid the rice)

No reheated foods.  (And they are going to tell me they reheated it?)

Don't eat at holes in the wall or mom and pop places. (wow, you just put the small business people in jeopardy)

Be sure and breathe around other people unless they're coughing.  (Ok, I made myself laugh with this one.   Wait...I can't stop laughing now.)

Now, the funny part about yesterday, having said all that, is that we didn't even eat out.  We did get a Sam's, Wal-mart, and a Publix run before I said it was all I could take.  We had a really good time together though and found ourselves laughing about a lot of things which was good medicine for both of us.  We got the most delicious blackberries at Sam's.  They reminded me of the ones we used to pick out at my grandmother's.  They were exactly the right ripeness to just pick up and eat. 

Tom has jury duty today.  He called and told me that he has been selected to be part of the grand jury.  I'm like, "What does that mean?"  He explains that even though he has been selected to be part of the grand jury, they haven't had anything for a grand jury to do except for twice in twenty years.  BUT IT GETS BETTER THAN THIS...they just sent him over to the JAILS (yup, I said jails) to inspect them and make sure they are acceptable for prisoners.  I thought, "Hmmm...does he just tell them that he wouldn't stay there if it were up to him?"  What does 'inspect' really mean?  White glove inspection?  Food inspection?  Make sure the toilets flush?  I can't wait to find out.  Well, I guess we really are in Alabama.  8-)  Where else would a juror do a jail inspection?


  1. Hey, Babe...Now that sounds like an Alabama story, (no bad reflection on Alabama, you understand...just a note of humor). It sounds like a friendly thing to do, you know, juror making sure prisoners are treated fairly, with clean accomodations, just in case the accused gets a true bill and has to be thrown in the clinker. I'll be interested to hear how his day went, as well as yours today.

    I'm glad you all got out and had fun, too. And btw, those are pretty good things for the average Joe or Jill eating out to remember, with flu bugs and all that going around these days of autumn and winter.

    Well, back to my farming. Love you'n's forever.

  2. I think you gave me a better laugh than I gave you! I have a friend with cancer who carries their own plasticware. :-) Love you!

  3. Hey that carrying one's own plasticware is remind me of a movie that had Jack Nicholson in it, and he carried his own silverware to the restaurant, because he was OCD about germs. I don't remember the name of the movie though, It could have been "There is Something About Mary". Love, Mom

  4. It was "As good as it gets" with Helen Hunt.


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