Sunday, December 12, 2010


I've been trying to think of something positive to tell everyone in this blog for two days.  No luck. 

This dose of chemo is worse than the last one.  I remember now why I said during the last treatment that cancer was better. 

Much like childbirth, I had forgotten how bad it is and went right in to get another dose of it.  Idiot.

Tom has been doing some wonderful care giving.  He's done laundry, changed my sheets, listened to me whine, taken my temp and BP at regular intervals, and makes sure I eat and drink water.  He has even gotten intuitive on occasion and not waited for me to ask but checked on my needs.  He is the 'happy' to my days if there is a 'happy'.  Keep praying for him, this isn't easy.

BJ (our son) is wanting to come home and see us for Christmas and I really am not up to it but how do I tell him in a way that he will understand?  If I had some real 'recovered' time in between I would say yes but as soon as I recover, I am doing it again.  He keeps texting me.  As soon as I get some energy, I am going to have to call him and chat about it.  I can't explain things in text messages. 

Well, I just wanted to let everyone know I am still alive since I haven't posted in several days.  Still begging for prayers here...

A little peace found through Max Lucado:  He is talking about God's Love...

"His love covers all things.

Let it. Discover along with the psalmist. “He…loads me with love and mercy” (Ps. 103:4). Picture a giant dump truck full of love. There you are behind it. God lifts the bed until the love starts to slide. Slowly at first, then down, down, down until you are hidden, buried, covered in his love.

“Hey, where are you?” someone asks.

“In here, covered in love.”

Let his love cover all things.

Do it for his sake. To the glory of his name.

Do it for your sake. For the peace of your heart.

And do it for their sake. For the people in your life. Let his love fall on you so yours can fall on them."

I praise God daily for His and everyone's are getting me through this.


  1. Hey, Babe...I think maybe I would let him come home, even if I knew I wouldn't enjoy his being there, it would be of comfort to both of you, but it ain't my business, so I am speaking my piece anyway. I love you so much. It is after all, your call. Just consider what he will be doing in later months. Sorry I was out of touch with you yesterday, didn't even think about my cell phone being off, because we were busy. Love youn's forever. Mom

  2. Loving you.
    Praying for you.
    Appreciating Tom to no end!

  3. B.J. is hurting along with you during your battle,both emotionally and psychologically. It will do him well to be able to offer his comfort and love in person. If it were me, I'd advise him of any limitations and concerns, then illuminate the green light. Never waste a moment of time that you can spend with those whom you love.

  4. Good advise from all...thanks. It is hard for me to think clearly right now. I really appreciate the inputs.


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