Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Top Ten

So...I've whined and complained in this blog environment.  Now I'd like to talk about the good things due to the cancer situation.

Yeah...there are some good things.  Here are the top 10:  (Not necessarily in order of importance)

1.  My husband gets me Starbucks every morning.  (I LOVE Starbucks)

2.  I am more connected to people even though I never see them (Family AND friends)

3.  I get to work from home

4.  I get to eat ANYTHING I want to eat and still lose weight.

5.  I get to sleep in til 6:30 (if I can)....I used to have to get up around 5ish...ugh.

6.  I can sit around the house in shorts and a T-shirt and not worry so much about 'how' I look each day.

7.  Not only are others getting to know me better through the blog but I'm getting to know me better.  8-)  Lots of time for introspection whether I want to do it or not...HA!

8.  My cat has gotten over her separation anxiety that she acquired from our Christmas Train trip to North Dakota last year since I have been home with her ALL the time now.  (Another story for another time)

9.  I get to see how loving and caring my husband really is.  (I knew he was before but he is really digging deep now to take care of me.)

10.  I don't have to fix my hair every day.  (OH, I don't have to fix it ever because there is no hair..LOL)

I guess no matter how bad something is, there is always a positive side if you look hard enough.  Things could be a lot my boss could have said I had to physically come into work every day, my husband could have said "get your own coffee or do without", and my family could have just said "Good luck with that cancer business" instead of being so supportive.  I am very very blessed to have the family and bosses (yeah, I have two of them) that I have. 

As my blog friend Clara would say, "God is good....all the time!"


  1. Hey, Babe!! How right you are! Great post and wonderful pluses to cite and remind all of us how blessed we all are. Love youn's forever. Mom

  2. Excellent list! It's good to take time for Thankful. Love you!


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