Monday, September 27, 2010

A Good Day

Gloomy Rainy Day ... the kind of weather that makes my head hurt. 

I got some good laughs this morning from my husband though. 

I asked him a few weeks ago (I can't even remember how long ago it odd.) to play Farmville with me because I needed 'friends' and I knew he would be my 'friend'.  (muwah wah....evil laugh)  I am usually asleep when he leaves but my headache pushed me out of bed this morning and I walk into our office in my pajamas with my little bald head and he is sitting there following his routine of playing before he leaves so I'll get some goodies out of the game when I get up.  I sit down at my desk and I hear him say, "If I could find as many bushels of wheat as I am finding Queen Bees, I'd have it made."  The comment struck me as so funny because my head wasn't in Farmville yet and here I've got my husband so involved in the game that the first thing out of his mouth in the morning is a comment like that.  HA! 

I've sucked everyone I could think of into this game to play with me.  My Sister, my Mom, friends at work.   Almost all are addicted.  I must have some evil side to me to pull them into this silly game.  Now my sister is only pretending to play and I get that.  She's nice like that.  She doesn't have time for it (and I SEE HER NOT PLANTING ANY CROPS so I'm onto her...) but just the fact that she keeps the game going is sweet.  Hello, Sis, Mom is passing you up in the there no competitive nature in you? 

My mom on the other hand is totally addicted.  I saw that she was on 2 hours before I was up at 5:30 this morning.  Uh, need SLEEP too.   I promise the animals won't die if you don't feed them in the middle of the night.  I see where I get my obsessive compulsive brain.  8-) (And I mean that in the nicest way, Mom.)

Today is a much better day than yesterday.  No deep thoughts (as you can see) flying around my widdle brain.  I should be able to focus on work today. 

Today is going to be a good day!!  And look outside....the rain just quit!

Happy Monday!


  1. Hey, Babe!
    Ha! you bet your sweet Bippy! I began sneezing last night just about bedtime and my nose woke me up at 3 a.m. again, so I got up for about an hour or so, then went back to bed until about 7:30. But while I was up, I made some sweet sake and had it. Yum! Ha ha. You are right about my addictive nature. Just can't help it. Poor child, you have it too. Comment about Queen Bees is funny, too. Love you forever. (you too, Tom) Mom

  2. WHY CAN'T I FIND ANY QUEEN BEES! Until the wedding I was playing real good...(somewhat addicted...not as much as Mom) and now I have this pressure from many quarters to pass my RS exam (by October 20th...per job hiring rule) so I am not doing as well! :-) I WANT QUEEN BEES...WILL PLANT WHEAT UNTIL I FIND ONE!!! far I am ahead of competitive nature will not allow her to pass me...I don't think! :-)

  3. Oh that's funny. I know the feeling about Farmville. You know you are addicted when you getr up at 2 oclock in the morning to harvest your crop. I have done that before. But after a while the fun wears off and you decide you don't want to be a farmer any more. I still keep mine going, but nothing like I did. Your Mom has really leveled up very fast. The higher the level, the harder it gets to get there. I guess I'm about as far as I want to go.
    It sounds like you are doing good with your chemo. Are you still working every day? I think of you often and I pray for you too. Hang in there and before long you will think back on this and it will seem like a dream. God is good....all the time!

  4. I am doing fairly well with the chemo...I know what to expect right now so the scare is gone. At thanksgiving we start the AC chemo so it will be new and scary again. But you are right...God is good all the time and he won't give me more than I can handle. Thanks for visiting, Clara!


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